Monday, December 6, 2010

Mommy & Me Monday

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?
Todays meme by Krystyn for Mommy & Me Monday  on Really, Are You Serious? is Christmas Tree Style.  We are to pop infront of the Christmas tree with our little ones and get a picture of us with them.

So we put up our tree 7 days ago and I realize after looking through my wonderful pictures - that of course there is none of mommy.  I have pics with just daddy, pics with just the little one, pics of just the tree, and pics with daddy, the little one and the tree all together.  But none with me in them.  So I had to snap one today!
- Mamma G -


  1. Moms are truly the last ones in the photos most of the time. Glad you snapped one and shared it with all of us.

  2. It is a nice tree! But I must say you and Evie out do the tree!!! Luv it! Mom

  3. So cute..and so glad this inspired you to gt a picture with you.

    BTW, that was just the theme of my picture, you can do whatever you want as long as you are in the picture:) Thanks for joining in.
