Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Next Major Accomplishment in Craftiness: Handmade Gift Card Holders

Ok, a few weeks ago I posted my first handmade card on here because I was so excited that I actually did it - after talking about making my own cards for like EVER!  I know I mentioned about making my own Christmas cards (I have them almost done to post), but in the meantime I made my own handmade gift card holder and I'm so excited about it that I had to share my next adventure in the card making excursion on here too.

I do have to admit that the concept is not mine, but it is entirely designed and layed out by me.  I know the colors are kind of hard to see, but all I used was Christmas patterned paper, funky scissors and a stamp for the inside.  The tree and holly berries have this awesome glitter shimmer that is a little hard to see.  But notice the gift card pocket - that's what I'm tickled the most about.  (;  The front:

And here is the inside:
I can't wait to give this away for Christmas (not so much the gift card but the actual card - tehe).

-Mamma G-

Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Traditions

Well the idea of "holiday traditions" has been on my mind as we roll out of Thanksgiving and onto Christmas.  I thought that we didn't really have any traditions as a family and I started to try and think of some traditions to start that can be passed down...but I realized that maybe I don't really appreciate the ones we currently have.  I didn't realize that we do have some traditions (some new and some from childhood) that we are repeating every year without ever noticing it.  Most of our traditions are at Christmas, so I would like to come up with some things for other times throughout the year.  I just feel like traditions should just kind of happen and be fun.  I don't feel like they should be forced or stressful - that takes the enjoyment out of them.  Some of our winter/Christmas traditions are:
  • We drive around and look at Christmas lights and then head inside for some hot chocolate.  I love this tradition and this is definately a childhood tradition.  My mom used to drive my brother and I around to look at lights and I can remember her making us hot chocolate (sometimes I'd just eat the chocolate like Fun Dip).
  • Decorating the tree is a family event.  I can remember doing this as a child as well.  We were all around to decorate the tree.  I remember playing Christmas music too.  Granted my daughter is 4 and has been at home for every tree decorating event - I plan to keep it that way with her and any future children.
  • Going sledding.  When I was younger my mom would take my brother, me and Max (our lab dog) to a local school that has a huuuggee hill behind it.  It was open to anyone so whenever it snowed there was always someone there.  I can remember having sooo much fun doing this.  I want to start this tradition with my family, but I know we can't go to that school anymore because it is gated off.  I am not sure of any place in our area where we can just pick up and go like we used to.  I need to find out if I know of someone who has a huge hill that will let us do this.  I know we can go to a ski resort - but it just doesn't feel the same.  Kind of like ice skating on a pond versus the rink - not the same.
  • This year I have actually started to make my own Christmas cards.  I hope to keep this tradition going in the future.  It has been work, but not stressful and I've enjoyed the time with my daughter while working on these.
  • And lastly my parents have started a tradition with us kids and our families and that is to make gingerbread houses all together (one house per family).  I don't know why we ever waited this long to make these - they are so much fun to make!
So, thinking of these "traditions" that we are already doing has made me appreciate them even more.  There are a few I am bating around on adding to Christmas, but more so throughout the year.  I don't want to feel like the only things we are passing down to our children are:  tv, laptops, video games and smartphones .  It's important to have things in your family that make your family unique and special to one another.  I love to hear about family traditions (unique, funky, traditional, whatever).  I really think it adds character to a family.  So feel free to share your traditions!

-Mamma G-

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mom's Life Monday

Mrs. Mootz at A{muse}-ing Mommy On a Pink Park Bench has me thinking on her meme today and I'm kind of stumped.  Today's prompt is:  Moms: 99% of the time you're sure your kids are yours and the hospital didn't make a mistake. However, is there ever a time when you're just not sure where Junior got THAT trait from?

I honestly am having a difficult time coming up with some things that Evie does or traits that make us say "hm, I wonder where that came from?"  I literally had to ask Pappa G (that doesn't make me a bad parent!), but he couldn't come up with anything either.

So I will say the number one thing that would make us wonder IF my daughter (or any of my children) "inherits" would be my husbands ears.  I am not going to explain them.  You people who know him - know what I'm talking about.  And I'm sure for those of you who may ever meet him - you will surely be looking in the future.  And I understand that IF she inherited them - we know the source.  But not reeeaally....we have no clue where my husband got them from.  He's the lucky one where they just showed up.

His ears are unique, one-of-a-kind, and strangely peculiar.  But they are fantastically on the man who is all mine.  I did ask my sis-in-law if anyone knows where they came from, just to be completely sure on this.  And her response was "They are some strange ears that look absolutely beautiful on my niece."  Soooo, apparently Little G has already inherited part of her daddy's ears and I just didn't admit it to anyone.

-Mamma G-

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Major Accomplishment - Handmade Cards

I am sooo excited because after much talk of making my own cards for special occassions, I have finally done it.  Woohoo, go me!  I made a fabulous card for my sis-in-law thanking her for inviting me to her 3d ultrasound of my beautiful niece.
The front:
The inside:
I just love it.  I want to keep it for myself and my portfolio, but think I should probably give it to her.  I know this may be a simple post, but it's something I'm very excited about..partly because I love how it turned out but more so because I actually did it and accomplished it.  Again, go me!  I am also attempting a huge feat this year:  homemade Christmas cards.  But they are going to be just as fabulous and I can't wait to post them.

-Mamma G-

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Little Girl Is Growing Up, HELP!

Over the weekend my daughter got her ears peirced!  I can't believe it.  She has been talking about it for months and has finally gotten the courage to do it.  She loves to check out your earrings and likes beautiful jewelry.  We went a few months ago to have it done and the girls in the jewelry shop were explaining to her what they were going to do and she sort of chickened out.  Then she stopped talking about it for a little while.  I didn't want to get her ears peirced when she was a baby because I always wanted my kids to decide when they wanted to do it and I thought that maybe they would have a different appreciation for it.  So, on Friday when I picked her up from school she told me she wanted to go get her ears peirced that night.  We made plans to take her over the weekend (I secretly thought maybe she would chicken out againg).  She talked about it all weekend and told everybody.  We took her to the jewelry shop and at this point I was still waiting for her to back out.
Waiting to get them peirced

The girls are explaining to her what they are going to do and she takes Daddy's hand (still waiting for her to change her mind):

The actual peircing:

Her reaction right after:
She didn't cry at all!  I think she wanted to instantly reach up and rub the "pinch" away.  But she did sooooo good.  I was so proud of her.

The beautiful earring:
A little while after she had it done she said to me "I'm proud of myself for getting my ears peirced."  I said "you should be proud of yourself, and I am very proud of you too."  She replied "yep, and no more fake earrings."  (;

- Mamma G -

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Working Mom Wednesday

Todays discussion over on Work, Wife, Mom...Life! for Working Mom Wednesday is: Eat out or brown bag with co-workers? Lunch room or desk? What your typical work lunch like?

I was recently pondering this whole subject with a coworker.  Often times I choose to eat at my desk.  I don't necessarily have to but there aren't many other options.  I kind of like to eat at my desk because it gives me a chance to catch up on *personal* things like email, blogging, Facebook, blah, blah, blah.  We do have a lunch room and I'm in a small office where only one of us can take a lunch at any given time so sometimes it can be lonely and other times you're thankful for the alone time.  Another reason I may stear clear of the lunch room is the avoidance of talking about....work.  Ugh, not what I like to do on MY break.

I don't get a lot of time for lunch.  And it is really not enough time to go anywhere for lunch besides the local gas station, so that is kind of a bummer.  I would really appreciate a longer lunch.  At the company I worked at before my current one - we had 45 minutes (I know some people are so lucky and have an hour!).  But 45 minutes is great for me.  I miss that.  It was just right with enough time to go somewhere but not too much time.

I am very fortunate and blessed.  Please understand that I will in no way be complaining of my lunch options because I do appreciate what is available to me.  That said - I work in an organization that has daily meals and sometimes us staff elect to get one.  Now most days the meals are ok and decent and I do appreciate to not have to pack all of the time...other days are complete risks.  I don't mind the sandwiches, soups, rice dishes and some other favorites.  I especially like the days where we have local restaurant food brought in or a homemade meal by some well-praised donor.  A few risks:  meatloaf day (aka - mystery loaf) and spaghetti (aka - heartburn on a plate).

Today I brought my lunch:  Easy Mac, fried cabbage, and an apple with peanut butter.  Yum.  (I will put my vote in for afternoon siestas though.)

- Mamma G -

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Why is it a bad thing to be a tattle tale?

I am starting to hear my daughter say "we don't want to be a tattle tale" and when I put some thought to this it really actually bothers me.  I know she is hearing this at daycare and she is in that "tattle tale stage".  But seriously - why is it bad and looked down on, often labeling the child and making them feel horrible for telling the truth.  Do we not want our kids to tell us the truth?  Do we want our kids to come to us if something is wrong?  Do we want open communications with our kids?

If your child was being bullied - would you want them to tell you? 
If your child knew of something that could affect someone's safety - would you want them to tell you? 
If your child knew of a crime or abuse being committed - would you want them to tell you?

I hope your answer would be "ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY!" 

So why do people instill in their young children (often between 2-5 years old) that it's not right to "tattle” (squeal, rat, nark, snitch, hate).  I realize "Jenny took my toy" is a lot different then "Brutus keeps shoving me in my locker", so we need to use discretion as parents on how to appropriately handle the tattling. 

I often see this when a child complains to an adult:  a. the adult doesn't actually know if the other person is guilty of the accusation or b. the adult doesn't know how to handle the situation.  I don't think you should say to the tattling child right away "don't be a tattle tale, it's not nice".  Now, I don't agree that you should just react after a "tattle" has been told either.  You need to watch and be confident that the person is truly guilty and decide if it requires action.

Often times young tattle tales don't even require any action from the adult.  They are insignificant things - but keep in mind that it wasn't insignificant to your child at the time.  Maybe sometimes the kid tattling needs someone to just listen to them.  Pay attention to what they may be trying to tell you, and I don't mean just their words.  Maybe something is going on emotionally with them and they just want your attention, or maybe even just your recognition of their own good behavior. 

How about when a tattle tale happens respond to them by saying something like "thank you for not joining in and making fun of Jenny, I know you know that is not nice and I appreciate your concern" instead of just saying "don't be a tattle tale".  Try putting the focus back on them in a positive way.  It could communicate to the tattler that the truth is ok at the same time you are not just going react towards the offenders right away just because they told on them.  I think sometimes when we just halt it with "don't be a tattle tale" we unconsciously just inhibited them from speaking the truth.  And we all want our kids to tell us the truth about everything don't we?

As I mentioned before, after a tattle happens you need to watch and know if something is going on that does need addressed.  We can’t just jump in and solve all of our kid’s social conflicts.  If we did that they’d never learn how to resolve conflicts with friends.  And if we jump in all of the time (or even just once) the tattler will have repercussions from his/her “friends” for tattling.  Remember – it’s not always easy for the tattler.  A friend reminded me of this by saying “when is it ever easy to do the right thing?”

- Mamma G -