Me - In a Nut Shell
Hey, welcome to my blog! My name is Tiffany. I am a wife and a mother. Besides my full time mommy duty, I also carry one of those things called a full time job (outside the home). So my life is (at times) chaotic, fun, scary, crammed and stressful. I guess I started this blog to journal my experiences and to get ideas, insight, and support from other people.
I am a Christian and rely on Jesus and my faith. I'm not perfect and not a religious nut, but I do love Jesus and sometimes like to talk about what He is doing in my life. As I sadly mentioned before - I am not perfect (don't tell my arch-nemesis) and I have my ups and downs like the rest of us. But thankfully I keep growing each and everyday. Sometimes I'm not quite sure where I fit in and if anyone can even relate to me on any given day, but that's ok.
Me (aka Mamma G) |
I recently celebrated my 6 year wedding anniversary to a very wonderful man. We had dated for 7 years before we got married, and I'm convinced he is the only person who truely understands me. It's crazy how time changes and how we are always changing, yet one thing stays true to each other and that is our committed love for one another. I thought I loved my hubby as much as I could, but I'm finding that I love him even more and more as we spend life together.
Jason (aka Pappa G) |
In May 2006 we were blessed with a very precious addition to our 'G Bunch' - our daughter Evie (and this one of those things that makes me realize how much more I love my husband - watching him as a father.) She keeps us amazed, astonished and always on our toes. So, thanks for stoping by my blog, and I hope you stick around because I look forward to "meeting" you.
- Mamma G -