So our first week brought us through the first two chapters: Genesis and Exodus. A lot of this is very familiar to most people. What I love about reading parts of the Bible - is that whenever I sit and read it..I get something different out of it then I did before. Which is great because even though I read the same stories I'm familiar with...something new always sticks out. I think where you are in life, situations you've been through, your character, etc...all have an effect on what you choose to gleen out of scripture reading. It is my desire that after reading scripture - I never walk away with nothing and to find something that is applicable to my life. I also like to get off on other trails so just sticking to the reading has been some what of a challenge. But I've started a little journal log of things to go back to when I have more time.
But here are some of the thoughts I've had from this past weeks reading:
1. Gen. 1:29 - when Adam and Eve were being instructed on what was food, it was only plants and there was no meat included. I've heard before that our teeth were not created for meat-eating..want to look into this somemore.
2. Gen. 1 - creation in general is amazing. Think about what "create" means:
1. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
2. to evolve from one's own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
Most of you who blog have created something and are creaters. Creating can be time consuming, tiring, difficult, and yet very rewarding. It's amazing to make something out of nothing. So trying to grasp that God created E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G out of nothing is pretty crazy.
3. Gen 19: Why do you think Lot's wife disobeyed and looked back? She was instantly turned to stone and she knew that would happen if she looked back. How often in our lives are we forced to move on from something yet we can't help but look back or even revisit them old chapters in our lives?
4. Gen. 22 - This is so crazy to me - being asked to sacrifice your child! We need to give also emphasis that it was is only child, a son. That was huge for people in those times. Thank God that he didn't have to sacrifice his child...that would be horrible. On the flip side - I couldn't imagine being the child.
5. Gen 25: - first twins E-V-E-R! Awesome
6. Exodus 1: Being asked as a midwife to kill all little boys once they were born. Horrible thing to be asked to do, and amazing that the midwives wouldn't listen to their king and refused to do it. I kind of compare this to jobs now. How often are we possibly asked to do something in our jobs that is immoral?
7. Exodus 3: God speaking from a burning bush....I'd crap my pants. I try to think of how Moses would have responded if he were just walking along thinking of what to have for dinner or whatever and God speaks to him from a burning bush that was not actually burning up!
I'm learning more and more and I'm looking forward to linking up with other fellow bloggers doing this same challenge and seeing what they are learning and what is sticking out to them!
-Mamma G-
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